Who is a Spiritreneur?
Spiritreneur is coiled from two words, Spirited and Entrepreneur. Webster’s Dictionary defines spirit briefly as “the soul or heart, as the seat of feelings” and entrepreneur as “a person who organizes and manages an enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.” Thus, spiritreneurs are those who fully integrate their soul in a workplace enterprise.Laurie Beth Jones, the bestselling author of "Jesus, CEO," shows you how to find soul satisfaction in your work. Jones shows that there is no contradiction between earning a comfortable living even as you use your job to promote your most profound spiritual and personal beliefs. Jones describes persons who are able to combine their business life with their spiritual life as Spiritreneurs.The idea of the "spiritreneur"---a person whose highest gifts are successfully used in the workplace to promote their deepest spiritual and personal beliefs, is tremendously relevant in today's society. If you want to know whether or not you are a spiritreneur, just ask yourself two questions. “Would I be doing this work even if I weren’t getting paid?” and “Am I doing this work as unto the Lord?” If your answer to both of these questions is yes, you are on your way to “spiritreneurship.”According to Jones, “Work and Spiritual Lives Are Not Separate. The business world has the potential to offer not only material gifts, but also essential spiritual gifts such as dignity, acknowledgement, prosperity, integrity, service, challenge, and a sense of community.”Spiritreneurism is used to describe the work of Jesus....