How my father instilled the virtue of giving in me

Growing up in Walewale Ghana, I saw my father uphold generosity in a way that was a wonder.
On so many occasions, I’d see people visit the house and leave with sacks of maize and millet from my father’s farm. He would insist on giving even when we didn’t have much ourselves.
Giving in itself is a worthy cause, but I saw it produce some great results. When my dad passed on, seated in the crowd were people who could point to tangible ways that he had helped them. It was such a fulfilling moment!
Even today, many prominent people, including chiefs, accord my siblings and me so much respect when they find out who our father is.
It is no wonder I picked up this virtue subconsciously. My life and businesses are practically set up to give to others selflessly.
I started my first NGO called “Wipe Their Tears Foundation” in senior high school at St. Charles in Tamale. I was moved to start this foundation due to the many homeless people I would see on the street on my way to school.
I felt like I needed to do something to help them. I was close to one of the priests in my school because I was aspiring to be a seminarian. I told him about my plan, and he asked me to put it into writing. He reviewed it and helped me improve it.
I brought on board a few friends to help. We were young at that time and didn’t have much, so we could not accomplish a lot. However, we did as much as we could and made some progress.
My passion for entrepreneurship is also rooted in generosity. It is born out of the desire to provide solutions and enable the people I employ to earn a living.
Again, I am aware of the challenges that NGOs and small businesses go through in Ghana and Africa. So I do not take any opportunity to be of help lightly.
Faciotech Foundation, the philanthropic arm of my company, was created for this purpose. Under this foundation, we provide unique services to communities and non-profit organisations. Some of these services include training and learning initiatives to help nonprofits leverage technology for greater impact.
We also provide grants and discounts on our products, including website design, cloud solutions, data analytics, and digital engagement tools. Our goal is to empower nonprofits to use technology for greater social impact.
Necessary Aid Alliance Ghana, an NGO, benefited from our computer donations, which is currently supporting ICT learning in a deprived community. The NGO also benefits from comfortable rates of website hosting and associated charges. See what their director has to say here.
In 2020, we created a promotional website package for NGOs and small businesses. At a very low cost, we made it possible for them to own professional websites and build an online presence without breaking the bank.
Our Cause Aid is another initiative to help raise funds for charity organisations in Ghana. Our focus is on organisations who are working to provide social support for the vulnerable and disadvantaged populations.
We all know that raising funds is crucial for NGOs to achieve their goals. However, the path to raising such funds is usually a hectic one. Through the platform, NGOs can share their story, connect with donors, and raise funds to make a meaningful impact. You can read more about it here.
My company has also trained so many people who are doing great in the tech industry. One of them is Gertrude Abagale who is now a Solutions Engineer at Paystack.
Another is Francis Amartey Sampah, a professionally trained teacher who transitioned into tech. As a self-taught full-stack mobile and web engineer, he had the opportunity to showcase and improve his skills through our internship program.
Till this day, the spirit of generosity that was in my father governs me. I believe that you don’t need so much to make another person’s life a little easier.
The greatness of your impact is not in how grand it looks but in how well it solves a pressing need. That’s why you should create change, no matter how small. You never know the impact you could have on another person’s life.
We all want to change the world but it starts from the change we create in our corner. If I help you and you help the other person, and the other person helps the other person, then together we can create a better world.